Regards | Meaning, Alternatives & Examples
Regards is a common sign-off in emails and other forms of correspondence. It’s used to end an email by wishing the recipient well. It’s followed by a comma and then your name on the next line.
While regards is an effective and respectful way to end an email, there are numerous alternatives and modified versions that can be used to vary the tone of your writing to make it more or less familiar.
I am writing to inquire about …
Nora Scott
Table of contents
Kindest regards
Kindest regards (or kind regards) conveys a professional and semiformal tone, wishing the recipient well without being overly familiar. It’s best used in introductory emails, emails to people in a higher professional position, or emails to people you don’t have an established relationship with.
I hope this email finds you well. We have received your inquiry about updating your insurance policy. Please find the relevant forms attached.
Kindest regards,
Farrah Sabri
Best regards
This sign-off is respectful but slightly more familiar in tone than ‘kindest regards’. It can be used in both personal emails and emails to coworkers or associates.
I hope you’re having a good week. I’ve been looking over your recent report and had some follow-up questions. Please let me know if you are available to meet in the coming days.
Best regards,
Annette Cole
Warm regards
Warm regards (or warmest regards) conveys a familiar, but still somewhat formal, tone. It can be used in emails to colleagues with whom you work closely, or to friends and family. It should not be used in emails to people you don’t know well.
How are you doing? I hope you had a nice birthday. I’m sorry to have missed it, but there was an emergency at work.
I’ve sent you a small gift. Can you let me know when you receive it?
Warm regards,
Mark Jennings
Frequently asked questions
- What is a synonym of regards?
Some synonyms, near synonyms, and variations of regards include:
- Best regards
- Kind(est) regards
- Sincerely yours
- Warm(est) regards
- Yours truly
Our Paraphraser can help you find even more synonyms for ‘regards’.
- Is it best regard or best regards?
Best regards is a respectful, semiformal way to close an email. It can be used in both personal and professional emails to someone you’re relatively familiar with.
‘Best regard’ is a mistake and should be avoided. You need the plural noun ‘regards’ in this sign-off.
- What does kind regards mean?
Kindest regards (or kind regards) is a common sign-off in emails and other forms of correspondence. It’s used to wish the recipient well without being overly familiar.
It is a less formal alternative to ‘yours sincerely‘, but it’s more formal than other sign-offs like ‘warm regards’.
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Ryan, E. (2023, January 05). Regards | Meaning, Alternatives & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 February 2025, from