Anymore or Any More | Difference & Examples

Any more can be used as an adverb meaning ‘any longer’ or ‘to any further extent’. It can also be used as a determiner to refer to quantities.

In US English, a distinction exists between ‘any more’ (used as a determiner), and ‘anymore’ (used as an adverb). In UK English, ‘anymore’ is typically considered incorrect, and any more is the correct spelling for both parts of speech.

Examples: Any more as an adverb Examples: Any more as a determiner
Jamie used to live here, but he doesn’t any more. I’m not giving you any more money.
Liam broke his foot, so he can’t play football any more. Do we have any more fruit?

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Any more to indicate time

Any more is an adverb that indicates time. It refers to something that used to occur in the past but no longer does. It’s normally only used in negative statements, clauses beginning with ‘if’, and questions. It’s usually placed at the end of a clause or sentence.

Examples: Anymore to indicate time
Nobody uses the word ‘indubitably any more!

If you can’t volunteer any more, please let me know.

Why don’t you talk to me any more?

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Any more to indicate quantity

Any more can also be used as a determiner to refer to the quantity of something. It’s usually used in negative statements, clauses beginning with ‘if’, and questions.

Examples: Any more to indicate quantity
I don’t mean to be callous, but I don’t want any more advice from you.

If you want to borrow any more stuff, you need to let me know first.

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Other interesting language articles

If you want to know more about commonly confused words, definitions, and differences between US and UK spellings, make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

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Ryan, E. (2023, March 11). Anymore or Any More | Difference & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 February 2025, from

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Eoghan Ryan

Eoghan has a lot of experience with theses and dissertations at bachelor's, MA, and PhD level. He has taught university English courses, helping students to improve their research and writing.