As of Yet | Meaning, Alternatives & Examples

As of yet (or as yet) is an expression used to say that something has not happened up to now. The phrase, especially the version including ‘of’, is normally considered unnecessarily long-winded and best replaced with a more concise alternative such as ‘so far’ or ‘yet’.

Examples: As of yet in a sentence
  • The war-torn country has not received any aid as of yet.
  • The war-torn country has not received any aid yet.
  • As of yet, the president has made no official comment on the proposed cutbacks.
  • So far, the president has made no official comment on the proposed cutbacks.

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Alternatives to as of yet

Many style guides consider ‘as of yet’ an example of unnecessary verbiage (i.e., excessive or redundant use of words) and advise against its use. It’s best to use a clearer and more concise alternative.

The word or phrase you use will depend on the context and on the position of ‘as of yet’ in the sentence. In many cases, you can simply drop ‘as of’ and retain the adverb yet.

Examples: As of yet vs yet
  • I have a loose tooth, but I haven’t made a dentist appointment as of yet.
  • I have a loose tooth, but I haven’t made a dentist appointment yet.

When ‘as of yet’ appears at the beginning of a sentence, it doesn’t make sense to replace it with ‘yet’ alone. Instead, use an alternative phrase like ‘so far’.

Examples: As of yet vs so far
  • As of yet, the medication has had no effect.
  • So far, the medication has had no effect.

‘As of yet’ is sometimes used as part of an adjectival phrase to modify a noun. In such instances, you can replace ‘as of yet’ with an adverb like ‘currently’ or ‘still’.

Examples: As-of-yet vs currently
  • The as-of-yet-unknown assailant is believed to be driving a red convertible.
  • The currently unknown assailant is believed to be driving a red convertible.

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Not as of yet

Not as of yet is an expression meaning something has not happened up to now. It can be used as a part of a sentence or by itself in response to a question.

Like ‘as of yet’, it’s typically considered overly wordy. In most cases, ‘not as of yet’ can be replaced by the more succinct phrase not yet.

Examples: Not as of yet vs. not yet
  • Not as of yet!
  • Not yet!
  • The theater will be eligible for funding at some point in the future but not as of yet.
  • The theater will be eligible for funding at some point in the future but not yet.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a synonym for ‘yet’?

Some synonyms and near synonyms of yet include:

Our Paraphraser can help you find even more synonyms for ‘yet’.

What does ‘as of’ mean?

As of is a prepositional phrase meaning ‘on’, ‘at’, or ‘from’. It’s used to indicate a time or time range (e.g., ‘as of tomorrow’, ‘as of now’, ‘as of yet‘).

Scribbr’s Grammar Checker can help you use phrases like ‘as of’ correctly in your writing.

What is a synonym of ‘thus far’?

Some synonyms and near synonyms of thus far include:

Our Paraphraser can help you find even more synonyms for ‘thus far’.

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Ryan, E. (2024, November 07). As of Yet | Meaning, Alternatives & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 17 February 2025, from

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Eoghan Ryan

Eoghan has a lot of experience with theses and dissertations at bachelor's, MA, and PhD level. He has taught university English courses, helping students to improve their research and writing.